Krio Klas

Krio Klas is our six-week course, inspired by and developed in partnership with legendary Sierra Leonean teacher and author of ‘Krio Salad’, Daphne Barlatt Pratt. Previously the course was taught by our very own Abu Yillah, and is now led by our friends at Krio Kolej.
Do you want to learn to read and write standardised Krio? Would you like to brush up on your spoken Krio?
Then look no further, this Krio fɔ Bigina course is just what you need. The course takes place on Zoom and the curriculum covers topics such as simple greetings and the Krio alphabet in week one, all the way through to constructing simple sentence structures in week six.
Keep an eye out on our socials for updates on when the next sessions will be running.
Follow us @young_salone on Instagram and Twitter (X) for more.